donderdag 16 september 2010

Next Thursday Sept 23 -Belgian WM3 Benefit at Trix !


Een wel heel bijzondere 'zwarte rockmis' voor het goede doel...

The West Memphis Three zijn drie Amerikaanse tieners met een voorliefde voor metal die veroordeeld werden in een vlaag van satanische paniek. Ze zitten al 17 (!) jaar onschuldig opgesloten, één van hen op Death Row. Er is geen enkel bewijsmateriaal in deze zaak: Metallica mixtapes, Pink Floyd lyrics en een aantal zwarte t-shirts werden gebruikt om aan te tonen dat deze tieners duivelaanbidders waren. Internationaal kan deze zaak op veel bijval rekenen, zo hebben o.a. Henry Rollins, Johnny Depp, Eddie Vedder, Patti Smith, Marilyn Manson, Axl Rose, Lemmy, Iggy Pop en Mike Patton zich al ingezet voor hun bevrijding. Hoog tijd dus om te tonen dat ook rockend Belgïe het hart op de juiste plaats heeft.


Mauro Pawlowski, Creature With The Atom Brain & Friends play a live soundtrack to Kenneth Anger's 'Lucifer Rising'

Lucifer Rising is een visueel verbluffend avant garde meesterwerk van enfant terrible Kenneth Anger met o.a. Marianne Faithfull. In christelijke middens wordt Lucifer gezien als de verpersoonlijking van het Kwaad en een rebelse gevallen engel. In navolging van Alisteir Crowley toont Anger hem hier als de brenger van het licht en linkt hem aan de Goden van heidense religies. Lucifer wordt opgeroepen op plaatsen als Karnak, Luxor, Avebury en Stonehenge via de explosieve, chaotische, dramatische maar ook tedere kracht van de natuur. Er bestaan al twee soundtracks bij deze film: ééntje van Jimmy Page en één van de hand van Bobby Beausoleil. Onze artist in résidence Creature With The Atom Brain verzamelde hun 'buddies', toevallig de crème de la crème van de Belgische rockwereld, en nemen u vandaag mee op hun hoogsteigen hypnotische Lucifer trip!

Josh T.Pearson plays 'Angels vs Devils'

In 2001 bracht Lift To Experience 'The Texas Jerusalem Crossroads' uit, een conceptalbum over het einde van de wereld met Texas als het beloofde land. Het album was zo episch dat zelfs non-believers in een hogere macht gingen geloven. Bandleider Josh T. Pearson groeide op als zoon van een priester en zijn muziek wordt vaak omschreven als Jeff Buckley die My Bloody Valentine, Slint of Godspeed You! Black Emperor front, een bedwelmende ervaring kortom. Lift to Experience maakte nooit een tweede album. Josh trok zich terug in een hut in de bossen om met zijn demonen te worstelen. Wanneer hij occasioneel gespot werd in Texas leek hij een outlaw, een schim uit een andere tijd. De Lift To Experience legende werd doorheen de jaren alleen maar groter en nu is Josh terug uit de wildernis, klaar om zijn demonen af te schudden en ons te verbazen met nieuw akoestisch solomateriaal.

Kingdom plays 'Hemeltraan'

Kingdom is ontsproten uit de post-apocalyptische ruïnes die Amen Ra en Black Heart Rebellion teweeg brachten in de Belgische underground. ‘Hemeltraan’ is Kingdoms debuutalbum, waarmee Tim Bryon (drum, vocals), Colin Van Eeckhout (bas, vocals) en Mathieu Van De Kerckhove (gitaar, vocals) zich onderscheiden van de valse profeten. Het is een trage, volwassen plaats geworden van somber gedreun, episch onheil en fuzzy sludge dat alle zintuigen aantast. Doorheen de repetitieve sludgy riffs, gebouwd op dragende akkoorden en vreeswekkend gezang, hypnotiseert ‘Hemeltraan’ zijn prooi en brengt een dreigend gevoel van onrust teweeg. Mixing en mastering werd verzorgd door Billy Anderson (Neurosis, OM, Sleep, ...), die als geen ander de enorme hoeveelheid aan geluid kon grijpen en ze ondoordringbaar stapelde. Uit een cd-recensie op Digg : "ontsnappen uit dit vervloekte koninkrijk is een taak die zelfs Orpheus niet tot een goed einde zou kunnen brengen. Want of je nu omkijkt of niet, de klanken van Kingdom zijn laaggestemde sirenengezangen waar niks tegen te beginnen valt.”
Now it’s too late to pray.

September,23 at
Trix, Antwerp
( )
Starts at 8 !

Come shake, rattle 'n roll and help serve the WM3 a mighty dose of Justice.
All proceedings go to the West Memphis Three Support Fund.


The Times They Are Changing

Let's hope so. Here's Eddie Vedder reading an excerpt of a letter by Damien about time. Read all of Damien's letters at

You should've been there !

On August 28,2010 a "Voices for Justice" rally was held in Little Rock, AR to raise awareness for the cause of the West Memphis Three - Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley. None other than Eddie Vedder, Patti Smith, Johnny Depp, Nathalie Maines, Bill Carter and Fistful of Mercy (Dhani Harrison, Ben Harper & Joseph Arthur )performed.

Johnny Depp reads from Damien Echols journal

Fistful of Mercy ( Dhani Harrison, Joseph Arthur & Ben Harper ) feat. Eddie Vedder

Eddie & Johnny

People Have The Power (Patti Smith & Friends)

maandag 28 juni 2010

Vamos a España !

From the 29 th of june till the 29 th August you can visit a lovely magazine expo at La Casa Encendida in Madrid in which Ultraviolet is featured.

‘De Zines’, tries to reflect what is happening in the contemporary editorial creation on the level of independent publications, how this area relates to the artistic production and social, cultural and current political environment.Around 400 international publications have been gathered from most established magazines in the market until handmade zines and a selection of experimental magazines.

In times of constant technological revolution and immediate access to information through the network, paper, as a media for the dissemination of culture and information seems destined to disappear. However, the number of independent publications do not stop growing. In fact, different forms of communication, digital and analogue can coexist. It’s about different ways, uses and times ranging between the immediacy of digital and the traditional way of disseminating and consuming cultural creation and art. Its contents tend to be more timeless and invite paused reflection. Beautiful design and text written with loving care in a continuous search for seamless integration between content and form. In general, they are still spaces for dissemination, review and reflection on cultural production. Objects themselves, everlasting, pages of printed paper that can be touched with the fingers, means of underground cultural expression. In the case of experimental magazines involves a different way to approach to these publications, full of visual impact, subject to different interpretations, inexhaustible source of emotions and feelings. They already have a notable presence in art fairs, specialized bookstores and museum shops.

These editorial projects, heirs of the phenomenon do it yourself culture derived from punk and art movements such as Dadaism, Surrealism and Fluxus, are living a resurgence. Some have remained fairly true to those principles, others have grown in distribution, budget and number of prints. They all share an independent spirit in addressing issues like music, film, fashion, design, art, philosophy, economics, literature, photography ... or closer personal projects to more people. In fact, they are a response to dominant culture, with a clear activist attitude, trying to spread other ways to understand their relations with society and even with oneself.

Independent publications may be the future of print media. In fact they get a significant speed in the dissemination of current culture with a democratic way to create and share images, ideas and information. Pages filled with an impeccable editorial design, a media for freedom of expression of the obsessions and passions their creators want to communicate, have a voice. ’De Zines’, articulated as a consultation room, a space that does not only creates traffic but a place to stay, increasing the desire to know, trying to help the audience to find a those issues so that a sense of recognition.

In short, create networks among people with a similar vision in a global and plural world.

maandag 7 juni 2010

Here's Johnnyyyyy !

Johnny Depp is convinced of the Innocence of the West Memphis Three
The actor talks with "48 Hours" about why he's pushing for their freedom . Watch interviews with Depp and Damien Echols plus an interesting case synopsis and update below...

Watch CBS News Videos Online

vrijdag 23 april 2010

Come get your Ultraviolet kicks at Wiels this weekend !

PA/PER VIEW art book fair will bring together 33 of Europe's leading artist book publishers during Belgium's most intense contemporary art weekend. Leave your laptop behind and come and browse amongst the finest titles of these consistent players of the printed word and image.

A Prior (BE)
Afterall (UK)
Archive Books (IT)
Argobooks (DE)
Bartleby & Co (BE)
Book Works (UK)
Bywater Bros. Editions (CA)
Culturgest (PT)
Daviet-Thery (FR)
Fillip (CA)
Florence Loewy (FR)
Gagarin (BE)
Galleria Franco Noero (IT)
Gevaert Editions (BE)
Kodoji Press (CH)
Lubok Verlag (DE)
Marcus Campbell Art Books (UK)
Mer-Paper Kunsthalle (BE)
MFC-Michèle Didier (BE)
Mousse Magazine (IT)
Onestar (FR)
Onomatopée (NL)
Piktogram (PL)
Ridinghouse (UK)
Roma Publications (NL)
Rosascape (FR)
Spector Books (DE)
The Green Box (DE)
Three Stars Books (FR)
Torpedo Press (NO)
Witte de With Publishers (NL)
Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E (SI)
&... More From Motto (CH/DE)

woensdag 31 maart 2010

Heavy Metal Bowling- Release Party 'And Justice for All' Issue

Dear Belgians ,

Here's your chance to bowl the night away listening to your favourite rock n roll tunes + bands and get your hands on the new Ultraviolet issue.

We roll on shabbos, Easter Sunday 4 th of April !!!!
PLace of Action : Bowling REal , Kortrijksesteenweg 207, Sint Martens-Latem.
From : 8.30 till 2.30 ...

-Live shows by KAPITAN KORSAKOV and KINGDOM(Church of Ra)
- All night bowling in the majestic Real Bowling
- Your own personal copy of the new 'And Justice For All' issue of Ultraviolet Magazine
- Moshing trashing rawk n roll tunes by some mighty fine djs

and well.... just a general Real Cool Time !!!

Plus next day is a holiday...

*** Let's Roll !!!!! ***

dinsdag 23 februari 2010

You have been found guilty of wearing black and listening to heavy metal, you are hereby sentenced to death by lethal injection

I would have never heard the tragic tale of The West Memphis Three where it not for Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky’s jaw dropping documentaries ‘Paradise Lost: The Childhood Murders at Robin Hood Hills’ and its sequel ‘Paradise Lost 2: Revelations’, which show that in fact sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. These films bring a blow by blow chronicle of a modern day witch-hunt where the basic tenet of the American legal system, the presumption of innocence, was discredited in order to satisfy a community’s call for revenge of the dreadful murders of three innocent children. It blew my mind. It broke my heart.

vrijdag 19 februari 2010

Free The West Memphis Three

Shortly after three eight-year-old boys were found mutilated and murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas, local newspapers stated the killers had been caught. The police assured the public that the three teenagers in custody were definitely responsible for these horrible crimes. Evidence?
The same police officers coerced an error-filled "confession" from Jessie Misskelley Jr., who is mentally handicapped. They subjected him to hours of questioning without counsel or parental consent, audio-taping only two fragments totaling 46 minutes. Jessie recanted it that evening, but it was too late— Misskelley, Jason Baldwin and Damien Echols were all arrested on June 3, 1993, and convicted of murder in early 1994.

Although there was no physical evidence, murder weapon, motive, or connection to the victims, the prosecution pathetically resorted to presenting black hair and clothing, heavy metal t-shirts, and Stephen King novels as proof that the boys were sacrificed in a satanic cult ritual. Unfathomably, Echols was sentenced to death, Baldwin received life without parole, and Misskelley got life plus 40.

In the years since the convictions of Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley for a crime they did not commit, their cause has gained support from all over the world, and these men have become known as the West Memphis Three. The story of the injustice they have endured at the hands of the state of Arkansas has never lost momentum, and in recent months, the evidence in their favor has grown to the point where it's nearly impossible to view this case as anything other than a miscarriage of justice.